- Slow feeding
- Problem solving
- Working memory
- Compliance
- Paw/eye Coordination
- Mouth/eye Coordination
Mental stimulation includes activities that regulate your dog’s mind and improve their brain power. Any activity that enriches, nourishes, and enhances your dog’s brain and cognitive abilities with constructive engagement, e.g. interactive toys, puzzle games etc.
- The Nina Ottoson smart puppy puzzles are multi-functional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product has different compartments. Place treats/kibble in the compartment and cover with a bone that is designed to hide the treat. The puppy has to move the bone to get the treat. To make it more difficult cover more compartments. Initially you have to teach your puppy how to move the bone to get desirable item (treat). It works on the principle of reinforcement as each time the puppy moves the bone it is rewarded. This will also help to develop focus and control in puppy.Training with Puzzle: The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzle is a level 1 (Basic level) game for puppies. It teaches puppy functional play in a more structured way and trains them for basic commands such as pull, push, press, pick, move, spin, touch and slide.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multi-functional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: The product has different compartments. Place treats/kibble in the compartment and cover with a bone that is designed to hide the treat. The dog has to move the bone to get the treat. To make it more difficult cover more compartments. Initially you have to teach your dog how to move the bone to get desirable item (treat). It works on the principle of reinforcement as each time the dog moves the bone it is rewarded. This will also help to develop focus and control in dog.Training with Puzzle: The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzle is a level 1 (Basic level) game for dogs. It teaches dogs functional play in a more structured way and trains them for basic commands such as pull, push, press, move, pick, spin, touch, and slide.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Slow feeding
- Problem solving
- Working memory
- Compliance
- Paw/eye coordination
- Mouth/eye coordination
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multi-functional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: The product has 9 pegs. Hide treats in the base of each compartment and cover it with pegs. The more compartments that are covered the harder the game will be.Training with puzzle: This is a level 1 puzzle ideal for puppies/dogs who are introduced to puzzles and games for the first time. It is an easy to learn activity involving only the basic command of ‘pick’.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Problem solving skills.
- Social play/interaction
- Feeding
- The Nina Ottoson smart puppy puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to play: The product is a 4 layered puzzle with 3 spinning levels and 12 compartments to hide treats. It is a fun brain game for your dog. Some compartments are covered with a bone. Dogs have to remove the bones to get the treats and spin on each level to access the compartments.Training with Puzzles: It is a level 2 hide and seek game that presents more interesting ways of problem solving and impulse control in dogs. Its layered compartments help dogs to maintain focus during the activity.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Working memory
- Problem solving
- Motor inhibition
- Planning
- Compliance
- Eye-Hand coordination
- Mouth-Eye coordination
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multi-functional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product is a circular green maze. It is a treats dispensing dog puzzle releasing treats from two holes, one on each side of the toy. Fill the treats/ kibble from top centre holes and teach dog how to move puzzle to get treats.Training with puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Dog Treat Maze is a level 2 tap & flip game for dogs. It is great to challenge and engage your dog in a new and more exciting way.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Slow feeding
- Paw/eye Coordination
- Motor skills
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: The product is a 4 layered puzzle with 3 spinning levels and 12 compartments to hide treats. It is a fun brain game for your dog. Some compartments are covered with a bone. Dogs have to remove the bones to get the treats and spin on each level to access the compartments.Training with Puzzles: It is a level 2 hide and seek game that presents more interesting ways of problem solving and impulse control in dogs. Its layered compartments help dogs to maintain focus during the activity.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Working memory
- Problem solving
- Motor inhibition
- Planning
- Compliance
- Eye-Hand coordination
- Mouth-Eye coordination
- The Nina Ottoson smart puppy puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product has 7 compartments for Hide & Slide. Place treats in cylindrical blocks and compartments in the base. Rotate flippers to cover/hide treats. Place the puzzle on the floor or hard surface so it will be easy for your puppy to rotate flippers and slide blocks. Initially teach your puppy with the help of prompts they are super smart and can learn easily by observing.Training with puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Hide & Slide is a level 2 puzzle for puppies. These are fun brain games which engage your puppies and train them for functional play with the toys. Hide and Slide train puppies on double command following e.g. push and slide enhancing working memory.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/eye coordination
- Slow feeding
- Help control destructive behaviour (chewing and digging)
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: The product Dog Brick is a multifunctional toy with three different treat feeding features. It has eight compartments to hide treats. Each compartment has an open-close flip. To make it more exciting it is equipped with separate removable bone puzzle pieces.Training with Puzzles: The Nina Ottoson Dog Brick is a level 2 puzzle. It has many compartments that function separately, and the dog can easily learn the commands of slide and flip by observing and practicing. It is ideal for mental simulation and group interaction.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Motor inhibition
- Cognitive Mapping
- Social Interaction
- Problem solving skills
- Slow feeding
- Paw/eye Coordination
- The Nina ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: The product has 7 compartments for Hide & slide. Place treats in cylindrical blocks and compartments in the base. Rotate flippers to cover/hide treats. Place the puzzle on the floor or hard surface so it will be easy for dog to rotate flippers and slide blocks. Initially teach your dog with the help of prompts they are super smart and can learn easily by observing.Training with puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Hide & slide is level 2 puzzle for dogs. These are fun brain games engages your dog and trained them for functional play with the toys. They train dogs on double command following e.g. push and slide enhancing working memory.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/eye coordination
- Slow feeding
- Help control destructive behaviour (chewing and digging)
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: The product has 7 compartments for Hide & slide. Place treats in cylindrical blocks and compartments in the base. Rotate flippers to cover/hide treats. Place the puzzle on the floor or hard surface so it will be easy for dog to rotate flippers and slide blocks. Initially teach your dog with the help of prompts they are super smart and can learn easily by observing.Training with puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Hide & slide is level 2 puzzle for dogs. These are fun brain games engages your dog and trained them for functional play with the toys. They train dogs on double command following e.g. push and slide enhancing working memory.Functional Learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/eye coordination
- Slow feeding
- Help control destructive behaviour (chewing and digging)
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multi-functional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: Remove the stopper from the top of lid and put treats in the wobble bowl. Close the lid properly with stopper. Initially shake bowl so treats will disperse, and it will be easy for the dog to release the treats. Place it on a hard surface/floor and show your dog how to wobble it back & forth with paws/ nose until food falls out of the bowl. The transparent bowl motivates the dog to work hard to get the treats.Training with Puzzle: The Wobble Bowl is a level 1 puzzle that turns meals in to an interactive game. This engages your dog and decreases likelihood of it developing destructive behaviours. It facilitates learning of basic commands such as “wobble”.Functional learning: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Slow feeding
- Paw eye coordination
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product has removable tray in which treats are placed. Pull out tray from the bottom and fill compartments with treats and slide the tray back. The dog has to move the sliders to find treats. To make it more challenging and maintain interest leave some compartments empty. Place it on a hard surface so it will be easier for your dog to play.Training with puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Challenge Slider is a level 3 puzzle. It is an interesting puzzle that helps dogs to maintain sustainable attention. You can teach the command of “slide” and it is highly recommended for group play.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/eye coordination
- Problem solving skills
- Group play
- Motor Inhibition
- Social Interaction/Group play
- Attention (focus)
- Slow feeding
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product Casino High has five treat trays at the bottom, which can be slid out to filled treats. There are six bones at the top of the puzzle which need to be twisted to access the treats. Teach your dog to swivel and unlock the bones and use paws to open the trays. this toy is great for physical and mental stimulation.Training with Puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Casino High is a level 3 puzzle with multiple stages to retrieve treats. It works on commands “slide/pull” and “rotate”. It is an advanced level puzzle that requires sequence and multiple steps to get the treats.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/ eye coordination
- Sequential learning
- Working memory
- Cognitive mapping
- Slow Feeding
- Waiting
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product has 8 compartments to hide treats and the top of each compartment is covered with a slider. Each compartment has a unique white locking handle. Pull handles out to unlock each panel and then move slider to get treat. Push panels inside to lock. Place game on a hard surface or floor so it will be easier for your dog to play.Training with puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Dog Twister is a level 3 puzzle which is excellent for mental stimulation and independent play. It helps to engage your dog in a more constructive way.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/eye coordination
- Problem solving skills
- Working Memory
- Motor Inhibition
- Cognitive Mapping
- Attention (focus)
- Slow feeding
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product has a centre spinning wheel, swivelling fish fins and cylindrical sliding blocks to hide and reveal treats. It is an advanced level puzzle with multilayered compartments that enhances your dog’s mental ability. It provides an opportunity of higher-level problem solving and reduces destructive behaviours.Training with Puzzle: The Nina Ottoson Dog Worker puzzle is a level 3 challenge treat hiding puzzle game. This puzzle trains dogs for sequential learning and motivates to work for the next level after achieving one. It works on commands “spin” and “slide” and prepares your dog for the group play.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Paw/eye coordination
- Problem solving skills
- Interactive Play (Turn taking, waiting)
- Motor Inhibition
- Slow feeding
- The Nina Ottoson smart dog puzzles are multifunctional. They are categorized from Basic to Advanced level stimulating physical, mental, and sensory development.How to Play: This product MultiPuzzle, as the name indicates, is a multifunctional puzzle having more than one compartments and different operating techniques for each compartment are needed. Its unique structure makes it extra challenging for dogs. It has two sections: the outer tray and the centre. Put the treats in the outer and centre trays and hide/cover with sliders. Teach dog the function of both sliders and spin wheel to get treat. Prompt your dog where required.Training with Puzzle: The Nina Ottoson MultiPuzzle is a level 4 advanced puzzle that requires high functioning and problem-solving skills. Commands you can use with your dog for this puzzle include “slide” and “spin”.Functional Play: Functional play in puppies/dogs refers to play behaviours that serve a specific purpose or function beyond just entertainment. It often involves actions that facilitate real life activities or behaviours that are essential for their development. This product will facilitate learning of:
- Eye- Paw Coordination
- Mouth Paw coordination
- Working Memory
- Social interaction
- Problem solving
- Cognitive mapping
- Compliance